- NEW CERTIFICATION: Shana Ring, PCC successfully completed a new certification: Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator from Mindful Leader https://www.mindfulleader.org and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction 8-week course.
- ANNOUCEMENT: Destination Leadership is so excited to announce approval by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)! Destination Leadership has been providing accredited coach training and coaching skills training since 2012! We are pleased to continue sharing coaching with the world as a:
- Level 1 ICF-Accredited Coaching Education Provider for 124 hours
- Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Hours Provider for 32 hours
- ICF CONVERGE Conference 2023 in Orlando: Destination Leadership attended the ICF CONVERGE23 Conference and was proud to be one of the ICF-Accredited Coaching Education exhibitors again this year! It was an amazing event full of learning, celebration, friendship, connection and so much more!
- CONGRATULATIONS! Grant Ring successfully completed Level 1 and Level 2 of the S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ Accreditation developed by the Academy of Brain-Based Leadership, authors of the book Psychological Safety: The Key to Happy High-Performing People and Teams and is qualified as a S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ 1:1 Facilitator and S.A.F.E.T.Y.™Team Facilitator.
- Destination Leadership's Faculty: Grant Ring, Shana Ring and Sue Tardi, are Accredited Level 1 & Accredited Level 2 Facilitators.
- RECOMMENDATION: Shana Ring completed the Leadership Wellness Group's Certified Resilience Coach Program (CRCP), and highly recommends this to everyone looking to develop more balance and resilience in their life! This is a great course for coaches looking for Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Hours!
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Destination Leadership is pleased to welcome Grant Ring as Senior Partner!
"After a long career in the corporate world, I am moving in a new direction. Working with my wife and partner, Shana Ring, I will be joining her at Destination Leadership, both as a certified executive coach and support to the Certified Leadership Coach training and delivery. I am super excited to help individuals and teams reach their career and person goals!
Grant is an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and is accepting new coaching clients!"
- CONGRATULATIONS! I am forever grateful to Ruth Sembajwe, PCC from the United Nations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna for the opportunity to work with, and train, talented Certified Leadership Coaches within the UNODC. Ruth was delivering coaching training within the UNODC, teaching the coaching competencies, and creating a coaching culture when I was fortunate enough to meet Ruth at the ICF Conference in Vienna in October 2019. Since then, we have delivered eight (8) virtual cohorts of Destination Leadership's ICF-Approved Coach Specific Training Program Hours (ACSTH) during the pandemic within the UNODC, with the next Cohort #9 starting in September, 2022. This video shows the amazing commitment that the United Nations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has invested towards training leaders as coaches and providing coaching to the UNODC staff and the powerful impact it is having throughout the world. Congratulations Certified Leadership Coaches (CLC) Bonnie, Troels, Ekaterina, Aliou and Amado ... it was a pleasure to work with you, and most of all thank you to Ruth for making this dream come true!
- OCTOBER 2021: S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ ACCREDITATED - Shana Ring, President, completed the S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ Accreditation Leve 1 and Level 2 developed by the Academy of Brain-Based Leadership, authors of the book Psychological Safety: The Key to Happy High-Performing People and Teams and qualify as a Level 1 and Level 2 S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ 1:1 Facilitator and Team Facilitator.
- DARE TO LEAD™ TRAINED: Completed the Dare to Lead™ Program with Diane Lloyd of Inspired Results Group - May 2021
- TESTIMONIAL VIDEOS: Created by Golden Media House, the videos are now live and feature testimonials from three (3) organizations that embedded The EXPEDITION Coaching Methodology & Models within their workplace. The leadership from Hope's Home, Creative Options Regina (COR), and Saskatoon Public Schools completed the Certified Leadership Coach (CLC) Training. The videos can also be viewed here.
- CELEBRATING CERTIFIED COACHES IN MALAWI: Also created by by Golden Media House, check out the JANUARY 2020 MALAWI CERTIFIED LEADERSHIP COACH VIDEO: What an amazing experience!
- OCTOBER 2020: Congratulations to new Certified Leadership Coaches from Africa from Women in News (WIN) who completed the program virtually! It was so much fun to work with you all!
- NEW! The ICF Fast-Track: Certified Coach Leadership (CLC) Training Program was shifted to an OnLine Virtual Classroom in alignment with the COVID Guidelines, and participants experienced a high level of engagement and learniing! Six (6) virtual cohorts were successfully completed in 2020, along with three (3) international cohorts. Check out the 2021 dates for the upcoming Virtual Certified Leadership Coach (CLC) sessions:
- Virtual Cohort 1: March 22 - 26, 2021 in partnership with Edwards School of Business,
- Virtual Cohort 2: April 12 - 16, 2021 in partnership with Asper School of Business, and
- Virtual Cohort 3: June 14 - 18, 2021.
- MARCH 10 - 13, 2020: And that’s a wrap! ... What an amazing crew and cast! Just finished three days of filming Destination Leadership’s new leadership coaching video series ... focused on a high performing team experiencing a major set-back as a team - and the impact of a coaching mindset! Once edited, there will be a total of 12 video clips demonstrating EXPEDITION Coaching key content including: Telling Style; Asking Style; 5-Step GUIDE Coaching Model; Intentional Listening; Intentional Questioning; Intentional Language; Developmental Feedback; Acknowledging Feedback; DIRECT Feedback Model; Coaching through Change & Transition; the Manager Coach Continuum; and the Coaching Relationship Compass. So exciting and thank you to Hemmings House in Saint John, NB for an amazing job well done!
- MARCH 3 - 6, 2020: Destination Leadership travelled to Vienna, Austria and delivered Leadership Coaching Skills to two groups of developing leaders at the United Nations.
- JANUARY 27 - 31, 2020: Destination Leadership travelled to Lilongwe, Malawi in Africa to partner with Tamala Chirwa, ACC and delivered the Certified Coach Training Program the week of January 27 - 31, 2020. Tamala is breaking new ground bringing ICF-Approved Coach Training to Malawi in partnership with Tamala’s organizations: Women’s Leadership Footprint & the Professional Coaching Institute (PCI). Tamala is Destination Leadership's first Master Facilitator & Licensee in Africa.
- DECEMBER 9-13, 2019: Destination Leadership certified Zach Prosser, PCC as a Master Facilitator and Licensee in the USA. In February 2020, Zach delivered Destination Leadership's programs including: Leadership Coaching Skills & the Certified Coach Training (ACSTH) Program in Cleveland, Ohio with his networks.
- OCTOBER 2019: Destination Leadership exhibited and attended the Converge 2019 ICF Conference - October 23–26, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.
- JULY 2019: Destination Leadership received a $100,000 grant through the Government of Canada's Women Entrepreneurship Fund designed to expand business abroad and develop eLearning Program. The Women Entrepreneurship Fund helps women-owned and women-led businesses invest in activities that focus on:
- Supporting pursuit of market opportunities abroad (e.g. international marketing strategy, supply chain integration, promotions, business advisory services, online presence/website development)
- Supporting Scale-up, Expansion and Growth (e.g. product/service development and improvement, inventory management, value stream mapping, upgrades to plant and equipment, process and technology improvements
- Additional activities that support the objectives of the Women Entrepreneurship Fund
- MAY 2019: Destination Leadership nominated Creative Options Regina (COR) who received the 2019 ICF Prism Award for Coaching Excellence from the ICF-Saskatchewan Chapter, and Destination Leadership received the Nominated Coach Award.